Case Study
City of Godley
Year Built
- 2024
- City of Godley
- Godley, Texas
Services Needed
- Refurbishing
- Repair Services
- New Plant
Challenges & Approach
The City of Godley enlisted the help of Southwest Fluid Products in a two-pronged challenge. First, the existing treatment plant on site was out-of-date and needed refurbishment. Second, a new treatment plant was needed to accommodate the increasing flow of water through the site. To ensure that the original plant was operational, Southwest Fluid Products started with the refurbish, replacing all of the parts within the tank and patching the exterior of the tank.
After the plant was once again operational, Southwest Fluid Products began work on the new plant. After manufacturing the new tank, they delivered it to the new site and fit the plant with new equipment.
With a refurbished plant and a new plant side-by-side, the City Of Godley had increased their flow capacity.
SouthWest Fluid Products
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